Experience a revolutionary healthcare system in Houston, TX that focuses on reducing medications, reversing chronic illnesses, and improving overall well-being.
Our team of doctors, coaches, and allied health professionals create personalized healing journeys based on the principles of Mindset, Community Support, Food Culture, Behavioral Patterns, and Movement. Say goodbye to feeling stuck and hello to a new kind of medical clinic that puts you first.
Everything you need to understand root causes, Individualized treatment plans, and management strategies. From Personalized prescription IV's to nutrition guidance, mind-body medicine skills, supplements, and more!
Educational Group Visits with Dr. Cheng Ruan and guest speakers take place every other Tuesday at 8:30 AM on Zoom. Click here for more info.
Our integrative approach goes beyond traditional medical treatments, offering a deeply personalized pathway to cognitive optimization, mental resilience, and overall neurological well-being.
Every other Friday, Dr. Cheng Ruan shares tools, root causes, and answers your questions about brain health, cognitive function, and mental health matters. Click here for our group calendar.
Educational Group Visits with Dr. Cheng Ruan and guest speakers take place every other Tuesday at 8:30 AM on Zoom. Click here for more info.
Specialized workshops, Breathwork, Physical Therapy Sessions, and more!
Every Tuesday at 1:30 PM, Dr. Cheng Ruan leads educational and interactive group visits dedicated to understanding root causes and management strategies for those struggling with pain related to: Fibromyalgia, posture issues, neurological conditions, muscular problems, joint pain, and more.
We invite you to take the next step and connect with us to establish meaningful collaborations. Click the button below to begin building strong partnerships.
Click the button below to begin building strong partnerships.
We'd love to see you in person!
But sometimes, wasting gas and valuable time driving and waiting at the doctor's office can take a toll on our patients.
We have daily telehealth available to all our patients!
Transforming Healthcare: Prioritizing Education and Support over Just Prescriptions.
We believe in giving you the time and attention you deserve, allowing us to delve deeper into your health concerns and provide comprehensive care.
Health Coaches are an absolute must when it comes to dealing with chronic health issues. We have mind-body medicine as well as functional medicine health coaches who serve as your ultimate advocate!
Our doctor and coach lead condition specific programs allow you to access other people who are going through similar health challenges to ensure that you never feel alone.
We can easily pre-verify your insurance! Just text us on our Text Line at 713-597-4521
Includes but not limited to the following:
Aetna Commercial Plans, Aetna Medicare HMO, Aetna Medicare PPO, Aetna Medicare Value Plan PPO, Aetna Medicare Plus PPO, Aetna Medicare Prime HMO, AARP Medicare Adv. Walgreens, AARP Medicare Adv. Choice, AARP Medicare Adv. Plan 2, AARP Medicare Adv. Focus, AARP Medicare Adv. Focus Essential, AARP Medicare Adv, Plan 1, AARP Medicare Advantage, AARP Medicare Adv SecureHorizons, AARP Medicare Adv SecureHorizons Plan 1,AARP Medicare Adv SecureHorizons Essential, AARP Medicare Adv SecureHorizons Essential Plan 2, Administrative Concepts, Ambetter, All Savers, Allied Benefits, BCBS ACO, BCBS Blue essentials HMO, BCBS Blue Premier HMO, BCBS HealthSelect HMO, BCBS Blue Choice PPO, BCBS Blue Medicare Advantage PPO, Boon Chapman, Cigna (Member id starts with U), Christian Care Ministry (For wellness is just cover the Office visit), Continental Benefits, Community Health Choice Marketplace, Community Health Choice Medicare, Core Source, Freedom Life, First Health, GHEA, Humana, Humana Benefits Dept, Humana Medicare, HSP3 First health, International Benefits Administration, Lasso, Medicare Gov, Memorial Hermann, My Christian Care / PHCS Allied, MEDISHARE, PHCS-MULTIPLAN, QHEALTH, Tricare, United Healthcare, UHC NexusACO OAP, UHC Core HMO, Choice Plus POS, Select EPO, UHC Navigate, Select Plus POS, UHC, NexusACO NRB, UHC NexusACO OAP, UHC NexusACO R, UHC Doctors Plan Plus POS, UHC Doctors Plan Plus POS, UHC Doctors Plan/Plus HMO, UHC Doctors Plan EPO, UHC Core EPO, UHC Navigate Plus, UMR, US HEALTH CIGNA, WellMed.
333 West Loop North Suite 250 Houston, TX 77024
Instructions for Application to be a patient in our practice.
First, fill in the information in this form.
Make sure to fill out each section completely. You may omit any field that doesn't apply to you.
Click submit at the bottom of the form after you fill it out.
We are excited to welcome you to our TCLM family and look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness!
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Monday- Thursday 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 3 PM
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