
Supporting our Fibromyalgia Community & Improving Patient Outcomes

At TCLM, we understand how difficult it can be to battle the symptoms of complex, chronic conditions. Often, patients state that they have felt lost in the system, unheard, or passed around to various specialists with no real answers. Many who feel this way are those suffering from symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Unfortunately, those with this condition are often left to their own devices when managing these symptoms and are generally misunderstood or untreated by the medical community.. That is why we have partnered with specialists who have unique insights into the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia development and ways to begin treating the root cause(s) of fibromyalgia.


Professionals on our team have met with various knowledgeable health professionals who are dedicated to unpacking the intricacies behind the development of complex conditions, and those who struggle with fibromyalgia. Such specialists within our ecosystem consist of chiropractors, sleep...

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Dysautonomia and POTS Program at TCLM! Hope for Healing

When walking through chronic illness or long lasting symptoms, the journey can begin to feel bleak and hopeless. When all hopes for healing disintegrate and questions are left unanswered, one can begin to define themselves by their disease rather than the beautifully complex human they are, that may be in a current state of imbalance. At TCLM we shift the focus from disease by providing compassionate care, understanding, and tools to guide patients along their healing process. We are determined to get to the root causes of symptoms, rather than simply masking or medicating them. We acknowledge that our members are a human first, and are experiencing more than just physical symptoms, but various emotional and spiritual implications that are either contributing to, or a result of lasting symptoms.

Dysautonomia is a medical condition that affects the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and...

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New Group Visit Sessions Beginning this Month! From Dysautonomia, to Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Metabolic Health, and more!

We are thrilled to announce that our clinic is launching a new series of group visit sessions, starting next week, led by our very own Dr. Cheng Ruan. These sessions are designed to provide support and education for patients dealing with autoimmune conditions, POTS/dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, diabetes, metabolic health (weight loss groups), and those wishing to focus on brain health!


These group visits are a wonderful opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, as well as to receive valuable information and insight from our expert clinicians. We know that managing chronic conditions can be challenging, and we want to provide a safe and supportive space for you to learn and grow together.


Dr. Ruan is passionate about empowering patients to take control of their health and improve their quality of life. His knowledge and expertise in these areas will provide you with the tools and resources you need to manage your...

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Supporting the Mind and Body to improve Mental Health

Uncovering the source of mental health issues can be a daunting and difficult task. The mind and body are definitely connected in very intricate ways, so it can be challenging to get to the root of mental health struggles. Often, patients are left wondering what came first: Was there a physiological imbalance contributing to poor mental health, or did the emotional turmoil contribute to the manifestation of disease? For many years, psychiatry would approach mental health from a standpoint of strictly chemical imbalances with no hope of improvement without long-term medication. However, many people do not wish to take medication for a long time and some may even have adverse side effects as a result of psychiatric medication.


We believe that there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to managing one's mental health; however, we do know that there are now many more options than there once were. This is great news for many of our members who have been left...

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Kitchen Behavior Training Featuring Dr. Felix Liao, DDS

Last week Chef Franklin kindly invited a special guest to our Culinary Medicine session, his father, Dr. Felix Liao. We were so honored to have Dr. Felix Liao with us to share his experience and knowledge in treating structural issues of the mouth and jaw, in order to improve the health and quality of life for so many.


Biological and Holistic Dental solutions that focus on airway health have made their way to the top of our list when it comes to disease treatment and prevention, as we have seen mind blowing transformations in our patients' physical and mental health. We have formed a collaborative care approach with airways specialists, sleep specialists, biological dentists, and myofunctional therapists in order to improve the health outcomes of our patients.


Last week in our Kitchen Behavior Training group sessions, Dr. Liao discussed epigenetics- how lifestyle changes and environmental triggers have a direct impact on structural issues of the mouth and jaw and how...

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What is Culinary Medicine at TCLM?

Welcome to the world of Culinary Medicine! This is where health meets pleasure and nutrition meets deliciousness. We believe that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. In fact, it can be a fun, creative experience - one that can lead to lasting lifestyle changes and improved overall well-being.


At our kitchen behavior training group visits for our members, we teach them how to explore new ideas in the kitchen that are both delicious and nutritious. Last week we had an insightful discussion around our relationship with sugar - how to find balance when it comes to treats while also enjoying meals without sabotaging your health goals. Our team includes Ruben, a registered dietitian; Chef Franklin who adds his expertise on flavoral food preparation; Geny Moreno shares her knowledge on nutrition and mindful eating habits, and Dr. Cheng Ruan provides guidance backed by science and nutrition. Together they bring unique perspectives which add spice (no pun...

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What is Lifestyle Medicine?

At Texas Center for lifestyle medicine, our mission is quite simple, yet it has taken continuous effort to make it happen! We aim to establish impactful relationships with our patients in order to guide them along a path toward lasting healing and wellness. Rather than addressing symptoms with a Band-Aid approach, we believe in using both conventional and alternative therapies in order to get to the root of chronic illnesses.



Lifestyle medicine involves having an integrative approach to healing and preventing chronic conditions, including but not limited to metabolic diseases, hormone imbalances, neurodegenerative diseases, digestive issues, mental health issues, and even therapeutic tools to combat and recover from cancer. There is no denying that the medical system is in dire need of alternative tools to help patients find lasting healing. The medical world is designed in such a way that it leads to serious provider burn out and limited options to find lasting...

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The Secret to Improving Patient Outcomes in a Medical Practice

Here at TCLM, we strive to deliver excellent service and transform the health and lives of our patients. Our values display our high level of commitment to delivering compassionate and attentive care. Since we established Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine in 2017, we have been continuously improving our collaborative treatment approach, which is based on patient outcomes and demands. We decided to implement health coaching as a means of meeting the needs of our patient population in order to support their healing. When we first started this model, it was very physician-focused; meaning that they provided medical care while being supported by allied health professionals and health coaches. However, through our work in the Houston community, we discovered that this traditional design does not work well.


Through receiving feedback from our patients, as well as taking a detailed look at our patient outcomes data, we realized the following: When health coaching becomes the...

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Nutrition Coaching Group Visits!

Are you looking to improve your nutrition and discover how to eat a balanced, healthy diet but don't know where to start? We know how challenging and lonely a chronic healing journey can be. Whether you struggle with an invisible but challenging illness, desire to lose weight, are seeking to reverse diabetes, or simply want to lead a healthier life, it is very challenging to walk along a health journey by yourself. Therefore, group coaching visits with Ruben Lespron, Registered Dietitian, may be the perfect opportunity for you.


Group coaching visits provide an interactive way to learn about nutrition and how different food groups can be balanced for one's specific needs. As a society, we tend to over complicate nutrition. Most of us have tried various fad diets in order to resolve our health issues or in an attempt to find a quick fix for our metabolic issues. While short-term dietary changes may be beneficial to some degree, we know that it is the lasting and consistent...

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Practitioner Spotlight: Melissa Talwar, Functional Medicine Health Coach

Get to know Melissa Talwar, our compassionate and dedicated health coach who leads the virtual Trasformational Group Coaching Programs at TCLM. Melissa is a National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, Certified in the Wahls Protocol, Keto Nutritionist, and Certified ReCODE 2.0 Health Coach. She recently completed her Master's in Neuroscience and is currently enrolled in the Clinical Master's Program at the Kharrazian institute. After multiple concussions and a sports injury in high school, she was left in chronic debilitating pain. Melissa would spend 20 years in declining health, homebound, and living with no hope of addressing her fibromyalgia and "autoimmune something" diagnoses. Using Functional and Integrative Medicine principles she was able to reclaim her health and is now on a mission to empower patients to find wellness again through health coaching. Melissa wants to make sure no one has to fight alone!


She is passionate about sharing the tools that...

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