
Kitchen Behavior Training - Unleashing the Power of Flavor and Simplicity

In our continuous efforts to empower our patients and provide them with practical tools for healthy living, our recent Kitchen Behavior Training Group visit was nothing short of a blast! Led by the talented Lifestyle Chef Franklin, the session was filled with valuable insights on creating simple yet nutrient-packed recipes, embracing variety in our diets, and the art of using just one dish to prepare a flavorful meal. The enthusiasm and excitement generated during this session left the entire group inspired and eager to embark on their culinary adventures. Let's dive into the highlights of this memorable experience.

Embracing the Power of Phytonutrients and Micronutrients: Chef Franklin expertly shared the importance of incorporating phytonutrients and micronutrients into our daily meals. These powerful compounds, found abundantly in fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, offer immense health benefits. The group learned about the diverse array of colorful produce available and h

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Transforming Autoimmune Care through educational Group Visits

Are you tired of navigating the challenges of living with an autoimmune condition on your own? Do you long for a supportive community where you can learn and grow together? Look no further! We are excited to introduce our Autoimmune Group Visit Sessions, designed to provide you with the tools and resources necessary to improve your overall well-being.

At TCLM, we understand the unique struggles faced by individuals with autoimmune conditions. That's why we have developed a comprehensive program that focuses on lifestyle medicine, encompassing various topics crucial to managing your health effectively. Our group sessions offer a safe and supportive environment where you can connect with others who share similar experiences, while also receiving expert guidance from our team of professionals.

Here's a glimpse into the transformative topics we cover during our sessions:

  1. Stress Management: Learn effective techniques to reduce stress, process emotional and mental triggers that may im

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Nutrition Group Visits- A better way to balanced eating!

balance Mar 27, 2023

What is a balanced diet?In the world of fitness and nutrition, there have been so many different debates over the years over what is a healthy diet, what is the meaning of balanced, and how can we create a nutrition plan that is good for our bodies and also does not require tremendous effort?Regardless of the level of change that you desire to make in order to improve your overall health, it will require both mental and physical effort. However, it is evident that fad diet culture has allowed people to believe seem that there is a quick fix to weight loss and health. Sometimes people also buy into the idea that one must follow a very strict diet and make their life revolve around food in order to see any level of change in their health. Both of these perspectives can be quite detrimental to our health and damage our relationship with food. Therefore, we are excited to bring to you nutrition group visits with registered dietitian, Ruben Lespron. Ruben will bring a positive outlook to di...

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Got a New Year's Resolution?

As the New Year approaches, we expect to see many of our community members wanting to reach big goals, set new intentions, and embrace positive changes. Unfortunately, many will attempt to make too drastic of changes too soon, which we know can lead to burnout, frustration when such goals are not reached, and even contradict the path toward health and wellness.


Though we could warn against the next fad diet, extreme weight loss trend, or intense exercise regimen, we thought we would rather like to inform you of positive life enhancements that you may enjoy stepping into this year. We do not wish to condone those who want to make drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle, but we do encourage checking in with the mindset and motivation around the desire to make these changes. Sometimes drastic changes in lifestyle habits can be quite detrimental. For example, if you have never weight lifted a day in your life, following a competitor's workout regimen right off the cuff may not be th...

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Are Fats Truly the Enemy?

Healthy fats are essential for maintaining good health and promoting optimal functioning of the body. However, the types and quantity of oils and fats that should make our way into our diet has become quite a controversial topic. Some have been told to avoid all fats in order to reduce cholesterol levels, while others swear by a high-fat, ketogenic diet in order to maintain their health. In order to determine how to make use of fats in our diet, we must understand which fats to avoid and why.


The majority of the oils we find in packaged or processed foods are inflammatory oils that are guaranteed to contribute to metabolic issues when consumed often. These include canola, safflower, peanut, corn, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, and palm oil. Vegetable oils and those mentioned will oxidize when heated, causing inflammation to the body. They also contain trans fats and increase triglycerides in the body, which is linked to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Rath...

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Enduring and Enjoying the Holidays

The holidays often bring about so much joy and excitement for many as they are able to spend time with loved ones, possibly travel, and gather together with delicious food! However, with so many events and circumstances to attend to, the holidays may also bring about a sense of overwhelm, with less time to rest and recharge. For others, certain holiday seasons could bring about feelings of sadness, loneliness, grief, anxiety, or overwhelm. It can often bring peace to let go of expectations and refrain from pushing ourselves to be or feel a certain way, allowing ourselves to engage in activities in whatever capacity we wish. No matter what season you are experiencing in life, we wish that our community members would embrace peace and enjoyment, whatever that may look like, in situations that may not meet our expectations.


Therefore, we encourage giving ourselves permission to feel what we are feeling, rather than placing unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others. Not only do ...

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What Should I Cook for Dinner?!

Most people who are serious about weight loss, and improving their metabolic and cardiovascular health will eventually try following a specific diet with the intention of improving their health. However, as soon as they begin their quest to discover the "best diet," they are left even more confused. If you google search a diet for weight loss, you will find so much conflicting advice. Some will push a vegan diet, claiming that animal products will cause obesity and cholesterol issues. Others will inform you that all carbohydrates are the enemy, and you should definitely try a high-fat ketogenic approach. And then there are those who eat whatever they wish and swear by intermittent fasting. The list of fad diets and trends seems never-ending - Atkins, carnivore, pescetarian, Whole30, Paleo, vegetarian. People often feel more confused about food than any other health-related topic because of all of the conflicting guidance. Where do we even start? And how do we reach our health goals wit...

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