
Embracing Collaborative Care: Unveiling the Power of Multidisciplinary Approaches for Understanding Fibromyalgia

In the realm of healthcare, the journey to understand and treat complex conditions like fibromyalgia has been a challenging one. Fibromyalgia, characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and a range of other symptoms, has long mystified both patients and medical professionals alike. However, in recent years, a shift towards collaborative care and multidisciplinary approaches has emerged as a promising path to uncovering the root causes of fibromyalgia. In this blog post, we delve into the transformative potential of collaborative care and how a multidisciplinary approach is shedding light on this enigmatic condition.

The Complexity of Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia presents a unique challenge due to its intricate nature. Conventional medical practices often struggle to provide comprehensive solutions, as the condition's causes and manifestations can vary greatly from person to person. This complexity calls for a more holistic approach that addresses not only the physica

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The Power of Collaborative Care: A Pathway to Healing Complex Conditions and Preventing Provider Burnout

Living with complex chronic conditions like fibromyalgia can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. These conditions often have both mental and physical components, making them even more challenging to diagnose and treat effectively. However, the power of collaborative care has emerged as a game-changer in the healthcare industry, providing hope for patients and preventing provider burnout.

The Puzzle of Complex Conditions

Fibromyalgia and other complex conditions are like intricate puzzles, with each patient's case presenting unique challenges. These conditions may involve a blend of physical ailments, mental health issues, and other underlying factors, which necessitate a comprehensive approach to healing. Trying to solve such a puzzle alone can be overwhelming for both the patients and healthcare professionals involved. This is where the concept of collaborative care steps in, offering a unified and multidisciplinary approach to patient care.

The Importance of Collaboration...

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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Chronic Pain Management: Collaborating Towards Effective Solutions

Chronic pain affects millions of individuals worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life and overall well-being. While pain management typically involves medications and traditional therapies, a growing body of evidence suggests that a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of pain, can lead to more effective long-term solutions. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain management, highlighting the collaboration between the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine and various specialists and experts in the field.

Understanding Chronic Pain and Its Triggers

Chronic pain is characterized by persistent or recurrent discomfort that lasts for several months or even years. It can manifest in various forms, such as back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, or joint pain, among others. To effectively manage chronic pain, it is crucial to identify the underlying triggers and reasons why

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Demystifying Fibromyalgia Symposium- Mark your Calendars!

Join the Demystifiying Fibromyalgia - A Collaborative Multidisciplinary Healthcare Symposium! 

Hosted by Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine and Dr. Cheng Ruan's Non-Profit Organization, Physician's Transformation Institute.


Fibromyalgia and chronic TMJ pain disorders pose significant challenges for healthcare professionals. The complexity of these conditions often leaves practitioners searching for effective treatment strategies. However, there is good news on the horizon. Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine and Physician's Transformation Institute is proud to announce the Demystifying Fibromyalgia Symposium, a groundbreaking event designed to empower healthcare professionals by deepening their expertise in managing these conditions. This is also open to all coaches, experts, community members, and those suffering with Fibromyalgia and TMJ pain to come and learn more about real, lasting solutions. 


Overview of the Event: The Fibromyalgia and TMJ Symposium is a three-day event...

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Health Coach Chronicles: To Those who are Seeking a Quick Fix to Healing

Welcome to our first installment of a series, the Health Coach Chronicles, where we dive deep into the world of health coaching and share our heartfelt experiences, insights into behavioral change, and the reasons why we love what we do. Today, we want to address a common sentiment we have experienced in our own journeys as well as our patient’s healing process at Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine: the desire for a quick fix to healing. If you're seeking a shortcut to optimal health, we invite you to read on with an open heart.

We understand how tempting it can be to yearn for instant results when it comes to healing and reclaiming your well-being. The fast-paced world we live in has conditioned us to expect immediate gratification. However, we want you to know that the journey towards true health and vitality is rarely a swift sprint but rather a steady marathon.

At TCLM, we believe in the power of holistic healing, or addressing the “w and the profound impact it can have on your life...

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Group Coaching this Month!

As a Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we have over the past few months added to our list of services in order to meet the needs of our amazing members wishing to better their health!


Group visit sessions have been one of the many ways we deliver health education, tools to heal the body and mind, and ways to involve our members in the community. Research shows that social isolation is more detrimental to our health than obesity or even smoking! We are definitely creatures who thrive in community, no matter how introverted you may be! But we know that many do not have a support system to lean on or people in their circle who understand the ins and outs of dealing with chronic, often invisible illnesses. Group visits solve this dilemma, as we offer a safe space to express thoughts, emotions, and personal struggles in a non-judgemental space. Group visits also teach valuable communication and social support tools, as we allow members to each have a chance to share their thoughts, while other...

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Miles for Migraine- Collaborating with Empowering Organizations in our Community!

As a lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we take great pride in collaborating with experts in the health field, especially those who work endlessly to find solutions for those struggling with chronic, often misunderstood and misdiagnosed conditions. 


Miles for Migraine is one of the many organizations we love collaborating with in our community in order to support an impactful mission. The vision for Miles for Migraine is to " create some “big noise” in the migraine community and raise awareness that migraine and headache disorders are more than “a headache.” As a Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, we know what it is like to experience chronic health issues or pain and receive no real hope for healing or change. This absolutely should not be the case. However, few practices have the tools, resources, or time to investigate new healing modalities for complex diseases. 


Therefore, we love collaborating with and supporting specialists who share our mission of getting to the root of chronic disease...

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TCLM University- Educating Patients about their Health and How to Heal

We believe that one of the greatest missing pieces in healthcare, is providing adequate education available for patients regarding their health condition and steps to take in order to heal. Often patients feel that they are not given adequate time during their visits with conventional physicians to review important healing tools, such as background information regarding the pathology of their condition, nutrition guidance, lifestyle support, and more. They do not feel supported emotionally through the highs and lows of their healing journey as well. This has left so many patients feeling hopeless and lost in the medical system. This definitely should not be the case.


In order to provide a solution to this major downfall of the medical community, we have created an online university available for all of our patients  and members who subscribe to our website. Within the online university, patients will be able to select a course related to their specific needs. For example, if a mem...

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The Secret to Improving Patient Outcomes in a Medical Practice

Here at TCLM, we strive to deliver excellent service and transform the health and lives of our patients. Our values display our high level of commitment to delivering compassionate and attentive care. Since we established Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine in 2017, we have been continuously improving our collaborative treatment approach, which is based on patient outcomes and demands. We decided to implement health coaching as a means of meeting the needs of our patient population in order to support their healing. When we first started this model, it was very physician-focused; meaning that they provided medical care while being supported by allied health professionals and health coaches. However, through our work in the Houston community, we discovered that this traditional design does not work well.


Through receiving feedback from our patients, as well as taking a detailed look at our patient outcomes data, we realized the following: When health coaching becomes the central foc...

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The Transformational Program You MUST check out!

Creating and maintaining healthy habits is essential for physical, mental, and emotional health. Group coaching visits can be a great way to get support while establishing healthy habits that will stick with you in the long term. Group visits provide an opportunity to learn from other like-minded individuals in a safe and non-judgmental environment.


With Transformational Group Coaching Visits at TCLM, patients are provided with evidence-based lifestyle education and group support as they work to make meaningful lifestyle changes, such as adopting healthy eating habits, learning how to manage stress better, or improving sleep quality. The educational content has been designed by experts, health coaches, and medical providers. Group members have the opportunity to share their successes, struggles, and stories with one another; this helps to hold everyone accountable for their goals.


Group support also provides an opportunity to build relationships with individuals who are current...

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