
Oral Health: Uncovering the Surprising Link Between Dental Issues, Infections, and Brain Health

Did you know that your dental health is intricately linked to your overall well-being? While most of us understand the importance of brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, there's a whole realm of dental health that often goes unnoticed. Hidden infections, toxins, and poor oral hygiene practices can lead to chronic health issues that affect not only your mouth but your entire body. This is where the power of holistic and biological dentistry comes into play.


Understanding Holistic and Biological Dentistry:

Holistic and biological dentistry approaches oral health from a comprehensive perspective, considering the interconnections between the teeth, gums, airway, and the rest of the body. These approaches recognize that the health of our mouth affects the health of our entire system. They emphasize treating the root causes of dental issues rather than just addressing the symptoms.


The Role of Dental Infections and Toxins:

Gum infections and oral microbiome imbalances ...

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