
Brain Health and Skull Health: A Comprehensive Overview

Our Brain Train Group Visits here at TCLM always offer insights into evidence based practices and lifestyle tools for better brain and mental health. Today, Dr. Cheng Ruan's Brain Train group visit session provided valuable insights into the intricate relationship between brain health and skull health. Take a look at some of the key takeaways from the session: 

The Importance of Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing plays a crucial role in brain health: 

  • It helps clear mucus buildup in the sinuses, which can affect brain health.
  • 85% of nitric oxide, essential for producing glutathione (an important antioxidant), is made through nasal breathing

The Brain's Defense Mechanism

The brain creates proteins to protect itself from environmental damage: 

  • Proteins like Tau and beta-amyloid sequester toxins in the brain.
  • These proteins were previously thought to be harmful but are now understood to be protective.

Inhalation Alzheimer's

Dr. Dale Bredesen introduced the...

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